Why Is Belly Fat So Hard To Get Rid Of ?

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There is no mystery as to the cause. With the rise of the "age of information" chances are greater than ever today that we earn our living tapping a keyboard for the better part of the day. Then we follow that up with a horrible diet that you know is not good for you but which seems really convenient given how busy you are every day. Your high-carbohydrate, low-protein, low-fiber lifestyle might be killing you slowly, but it does have the one big advantage of being easy to implement - cheap, low-nutrition food is available at every turn and it gets you through the week.So there is no mystery as to the "why" of your ever-fattening midsection. It is the cost of "easy passage" through your early life. Not having to think about what it is that you are eating is a real time saver!
But later on, when the abdominal fat accumulates to the point where it is hard to ignore, you realize you need to do something if there is any chance that the boss will look at you in enough of a positive light to be considered for promotion to that high-paying position freeing up just a few months from now. Sorry, but no one considers the fat guy or gal leadership material. The problem is, now that it is time to get rid of the fat you suddenly discover the task is harder than you imagined.
A lot harder. Part of the reason for this is that the abdomen is usually the first place for fat to appear, and the LAST place for it to disappear from. If you want to flatten your belly, you actually have to remove fat from your entire body to make some headway. For every pound you want to trim off your midsection you will likely need to remove another pound, or more, from the rest of your body.
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Unfortunately there is no such thing as spot removal - which is the ability to remove fat from just one part of the body by exercising it more than other areas of your body. You cannot do 1000 crunches with the expectation that it will result in fat being burned off just your belly area because you used your abdominal muscles to get the job done. The only way to achieve spot reduction is by getting the fat sucked out of you, which is not recommended. Not only is it a painful procedure, but the fat eventually returns.
If you are wondering why it is that fat tends to go onto the midsection so easily for men it is probably due to evolutionary biology. Early man did a lot of running around looking for food, chasing it down for the kill. What little fat he did have on his body would have been most efficiently collected into the midsection so as to reduce as much as possible the energy expenditure needed to complete the chase and bring home the kill. With legs and arms pumping wildly, the one place you do NOT want to carry extra weight during a hunt is on the limbs. For women, on the other hand, excess weight in the midsection could lower the likelihood of carrying a pregnancy to completion. So women are more prone to adding their excess weight in the thigh and butt area. But eventually - typically beyond the optimal birthing years - women discover that fat accumulates in the belly too.
The important observation here is that it is around the hips, butt, and midsection that fat is most likely to appear if it is to be stored on your body, and that is also the last place it is likely to come off when you begin doing the right things to promote fat burning in your body. But once you DO know what it is that your body is doing when it comes to fat storage, it becomes a lot easier to take the correct actions to reverse the trend and give up the excess fat.
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