Ab Exercises To Lose Belly Fat and Get You A Six Pack!
Ab Exercises done correctly can erase belly fat and give you a six pack. Ok now, calm down! Don’t get to excited…I’m not talking about ice cold Coors Light! I’m talking about your Ab muscles! These Abs workouts can tone and flatten your stomach, and give your body a wonderful figure.
I may sound redundant, but I feel I must say this again. You can not flatten only your stomach and lose only your belly fat. Along with ab exercises, you must get yourself into a cardio workout routine and start eating healthy before you will lose your belly fat!
And I already write an amazing article you should read it
And I already write an amazing article you should read it
Ok, now with that said….lets talk about some really good Abs workouts! To avoid getting bored….Its ok to do different stomach exercises every time you workout. I suggest you start with 1 exercise 3 days a week. Then as you get stronger, you can ad more Ab exercises.
The Crunch (this is the classic Ab exercise)
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hand behind your head.
2. Slowly lift your shoulders and head off the ground.
3. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
4. Do 15 reps.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hand behind your head.
2. Slowly lift your shoulders and head off the ground.
3. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
4. Do 15 reps.
The Vertical Leg Crunch.
1. Lie on your back on the floor. Cross your legs and extend your feet straight up in the air.
2. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground towards your feet.
3. Keep your legs still and squeeze and flatten your stomach. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
4. Lower and repeat 15 reps.
Long Arm Crunch.
1. Lie on your back on the floor. Extend your arms straight out behind your head.
2. Squeeze your abs and lift your shoulders off the floor, while your keeping your arms straight.
3. Lower and repeat 15 reps.
1. Lie on your back on the floor. Extend your arms straight out behind your head.
2. Squeeze your abs and lift your shoulders off the floor, while your keeping your arms straight.
3. Lower and repeat 15 reps.
1. Lie down on the floor face down.
2. Raise yourself off the floor and rest on your elbows, and your toes.
3. Keep your back completely straight and hold for 30 seconds.
4. Lower and repeat 3-5 reps.
The Prone Bridge
1. Get into a pushup position. With your arms straight out, in the top of the pushup.
2. Hold for 30 seconds, with your back straight and your arms and legs fully extended.
3. Lower and repeat 3-5 reps.
The Side Bridge
1. Lie on your side.
2. Raise yourself up and rest your weight on your arm, and the side of your foot.
3. Keep your body in a straight line and hold for 30 seconds.
4. Do 3 reps.
Abdominal Hold
1. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair. Place your hands on the edge of the chair with your fingers pointed toward your knees.
2. Tighten your ab muscles and lift your feet 4 inches off the floor. Also lift your butt off the chair.
3. Hold this position for as long as you can.
4. Lower yourself down and rest for 5 - 10 seconds
5. Repeat for 3 minutes.
The Climb Up
1. Lie on your back and wrap a long towel or scarf around the bottom of your right foot. Hold onto the ends of the towel with each hand. Keep your left leg bent and foot on the floor.
2. While holding the towel, extend your right leg straight into the air.
3. Slowly walk with your hands up to the top of the towel as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Hold for 3 seconds.
4. Lower yourself back to the floor, slowly walking your hands down the towel.
5. Do 2 sets of 8 reps on each side.
The Side Bend
1. Hold a pair of light dumbbells above your head.
2. With your elbows slightly bent, and your back straight, bend slowly to your left.
3. Go as far as possible and hold for 3 seconds.
4. Return to the upright position, and bend to your right side.
5. Do 8 reps for each side.
Oblique V-Up
1. Lie on your side on the floor. Fold your arms across your chest, and keep your body in a straight line.
2. Lift your feet off the floor and slightly raise your shoulder off the ground.
3. Hold for 3 seconds and lower.
4. Do 10 reps per side
Remember, feel free to mix and match your ab exercises! Its great to do a different Ab workout to keep from getting bored. The key is to stick with it and do them correctly !
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