Cardio Exercises To Decrease Your Belly Fat

Cardio Exercises
Creates A Magical Result!

Say YES To Exercise! Combine your better food decisions with Cardio Exercises and you will have A magical result! You will get skinny, and win the lottery! Well…maybe not win the lottery! But with proper cardio training, you can lose fat and your belly fat will start to shrink.
Yep! In order to decrease your belly fat, you need to get your heart pumping. To be successful in losing your belly fat, you must do all 3 of these things. Eat right, do cardio exercise, and strengthen your ab muscles .Understanding These Important Nutrition Facts Are Key To Your Success In Losing Weight! I have found out some very important nutrition facts that will help you on your journey of losing your belly fat. Understanding how your body works is the best weapon in losing weight. Calories Nutrition Facts #1. To make perfectly clear what a calorie is…here is the definition- “ a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure.” So what this means in English is that a calorie is a measurement used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food. Wow, nutrition fact indeed. Now you learned something new. We need calories in our bodies. However, if you eat more calories than your body burns up, then you will be overweight. many calories do our bodies require? It ranges depending on many factors…like your age, sex, height, width, and how active you are. The range is from 1600 for non active women and seniors to 2900 for most men and active women. For myself, I need to ingest 3258 calories a day to maintain my current weight. I am 31 years old, 6’2”, thin and very active. I suggest you use a calorie counter to more accurately define what your body needs to burn. Click here to use the Calorie Burning Calculator So…in order to burn off some excess body fat, you need to have an idea of how many calories that your body requires. This nutrition facts page suggests as a general rule, you should try to eat 500 fewer calories than your body burns off. Do not decrease your calorie intake more than that, or you could damage your health. You don’t have to count every calorie that you eat, but you should get used to looking at the labels on foods. Start having an understanding of what kinds of foods have lots of calories. There are 4 calories in a gram of protein. There are 4 calories in a gram of Carbohydrates. There are 9 calories in a gram of Fat. Drink Water For Good Health! Nutrition fact #2Our Bodies can live without food for weeks, but we cant live without water for no longer than a few days. (How about that for a nutrition fact….very interesting!) Even though water has no nutrients or calories, it is extremely important to our health. It helps our nutrients absorb, eliminates waste, regulate circulation and body temperature. It even helps our skin complexion,. much water do we need? Average woman need 8 glasses, and the average men need 12 glasses. Replacing a bottle of soda with a cup of cold water can eliminate 155 calories. If you stop drinking that one bottle of soda everyday for a year, you will save yourself 56,575 calories or 16 pounds of fat! Good Fats vs. Bad Fats Believe it or not….Fats and oils play an essential part in our diet. You just need to know which fats and oils are good for you, and which ones are bad! Good: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils provide essential fatty acids that our bodies need like omega-3 and omega 6. They also serve as carriers for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Olive, Canola, peanut, sunflower and soybean oil also contain the more desirable fats essential to maintaining a healthy diet. Bad: Saturated fats and trans fats are the bad guys. It is best to either avoid foods with these in them, or choose foods that are very low in these kinds of fats. These fats raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk for heart disease. Sugars. Good But Ohhh Soo Bad American Dietetic Association and American Diabetic Association agree that sugar ingestion is one of the top three causes of degenerative disease. We all already know that sugar can cause tooth decay. However, this sweet devil is linked to hundreds of medical problems. Nutrition facts about the dangers of sugar. Sugar can suppress the immune system Reduces our natural defense against bacterial defense (infectious disease) Leads to cancer Weakens eyesight Causes hypoglycemia and diabetes Causes a rapid adrenaline levels in children Causes premature aging Contributes to obesity Increases the risk of Crohn’s disease Causes arthritis Causes asthma Causes gallstones Causes heart disease Causes hemorrhoids Causes varicose veins Decreases growth hormones Increases cholesterol Interferes with the absorption of protein Causes food allergies Causes cataracts Ages our skin Increases the size of our liver and kidneys Makes tendons more brittle Causes headaches and migraines Increases the risk of getting gout Can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease Causes dizziness Sugars feed cancers Sugar is addictive High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures Refined sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose, galactose, maltose, honey, and malts) turn directly into fat. The body digests these super fast and so it must turn them into saturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are sticky and cause problems with the vascular system such as: stroke, diabetes, and clogged arteries. Sugar contains NO vitamins and minerals and must rob them from the body to be consumed. Honey is not safe either. It has about 25 more calories per tablespoon than sugar (65 calories). Commercial honey usually contains the same pesticides that are used on crops. Honey can be fatal to people with immature digestive systems that can not deal with Botulinum Spore Growth. Some bee farms feed their bees sugar water to enhance production. And the enzymes and nutrients that are in raw honey are destroyed when they heat it up to give the honey its clear appearance to enhance sales. How about the “sugar free” products and the “sugar alternatives?” Well keep reading to find out how bad these are. Xylitol has been withdrawn from many manufacturers products after studies show the following: Weight gain, liver and kidney dysfunction, diarrhea, and tumor growth.Sorbital and Mannitol are made from hydrogen and glucose. Both are known to increase the count of mouth bacteria. Its also found by researchers to cause chronic diarrhea. This stuff is bad for you on both ends, and everything in between! Cardio exercise is the best way to lose lbs and get skinny. There are many fun ways to burn calories thru using total body exercises. If you are like me, then its easy to get bored! And boredom is the devil in losing weight! So the key to good cardio is to pick something that is fun for you! Did I hear someone ask “How often, and how long should I do my fat burning exercises?” Well that’s a good question and I thank you for asking. Many studies suggest that you should do about 30 minutes per day 5 days a week. If your are just starting with cardio workouts, then I suggest at least 10 minutes 3-4 days a week. Then after you get comfortable to handle a more moderate workout, then ad more effort and more time. You want to break a sweat, and breath hard. Your heart should be pumping, and you will be burning calories. Don't miss To read This amazing article 

I will list some workout exercises that you can do for free without the need of joining a gym.
Walking: Walking can be a great cardio exercise if you walk quickly. Keep your head up, swing your arms, and keep your back straight. Walk quickly as if you are late for something. This is the best exercise to start with if you are out of shape.
Playing with your Dog or kids. This cardio exercise can be great for burning calories and allot of fun. Now, don’t cheat….Don’t just sit and watch your kids play with the dog! That wont burn the calories. And don’t make the dog or kids do all the work. You will be required to chase them around, or play tag, or Frisbee. Your dog and kids will love you for this!

Running: Running can be a great cardio exercise to remove your belly fat, if you have good knees and ankles. All this takes is a comfy pair of running shoes, and you can burn serious calories. Personally, I get completely bored when I try to go running, so I never run as long as I should.

Cycling: This is by far my favorite form of cardio exercise. I love riding my bike so much that it doesn’t feel like cardio training. I can burn about 450 calories in 30 minutes while having a ton of fun. Cycling is great in so many ways. It is low impact, so you don’t hurt your knees and ankles. You are moving fast so the wind keeps you nice and cool. You can ride anywhere you want to…thru town, to the beach or river, or just around the neighborhood. Cycling also strengthens your legs for nice definition. And it strengthens your core, which is extremely important for any activity! A strong core will give you better posture, and it will eliminate lower back pain. I strongly suggest that you find an activity that you really like to do. Like I said before, I burn about 450 calories while I am having a blast. So, to me… doesn’t even seem like a workout!

Swimming: Swimming is great because it is a full body exercise. This is another low impact exercise that you can do that will burn about 350 calories in 30 minutes.

Aerobics: You can find many of these training classes on TV, or you can buy them for super cheap. They can be kinda fun to do, and you will definitely burn some calories.

Racquetball: This is a great exercise because you are sprinting back and forth. And because you are focused on hitting the ball, your are not realizing that you are burning up some serious calories.

Jumping rope: Do this for about 20 minutes and burn off a bunch of calories. This is also great for hand-eye coordination.

Sprinting: You will burn off MASSIVE amounts of calories while sprinting. This works while running or while on your bicycle. This will also do amazing results on your metabolism.

Ok now, use your imagination and find some cardio exercises that is fun and stick with it.  And share your ideas With me.


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