
Showing posts from December, 2015

12 Best Fat Burning Foods To Help You Lose Weight

Is there such a thing as the best fat burning foods? Yes, there is! In this article, you will discover the top fat burning foods which are recognized as the best of the best by multiple weight loss professionals and fitness experts. These foods are the secret behind the slender, chiseled, almost unrealistically great looking bodies of some top bodybuilders and fitness gurus in the world. Make these foods the staple of your diet and excess fat will literally start melting away from your body without you doing anything else other than eating these great foods. So here we go. The best fat burning foods to help you lose weight. Oatmeal Oatmeal is considered to be one of the best fat burning foods. Oatmeal has a good ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and good fats, giving it a very high nutritional value. A cup of oatmeal contains 6 grams of fat, 54 grams of carbs and 10 grams of protein. Oatmeal also contains a lot of fiber. One cup provides some whooping 8 grams of fiber, which i...

How to Get and Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Awesome Idea

Today, I want to tell you about a universal law of weight loss motivation that has been true since the dawn of man: M = c / t . Here, M stands for motivation. Then there’s t , which stands for time. Specifically, it refers to how long it’s been since the last time something caused you to really care about losing weight. It could be seeing an old friend who’s lost so much weight since the last time you saw her/him that you barely recognize her. Or it could be the new girl or guy who just moved in next door who you want to seriously impress. The point is, there are events in our life that come up every now and then and give us a sudden desire to change ourselves for the better. We will refer to these events as catalysts. Thus, c stands for catalyst, and refers to the intensity of the last catalyst you experienced. Let’s go over this one more time. According to our law, which we’ll call Yevgeniy’s fundamental law of motivation, weight loss motivation is a function of the time...

Cardio Exercises To Decrease Your Belly Fat

Cardio Exercises Creates A Magical Result! Say YES To Exercise!  Combine your better food decisions with Cardio Exercises and you will have A  magical result!  You will get skinny, and win the lottery! Well…maybe not win the lottery! But with proper cardio training, you can lose fat and your belly fat will start to shrink. Yep! In order to decrease your belly fat, you need to get your heart pumping. To be successful in losing your belly fat, you must do all 3 of these things. Eat right, do cardio exercise, and strengthen your ab muscles .Understanding These Important Nutrition Facts Are Key To Your Success In Losing Weight! I have found out some very important nutrition facts that will help you on your journey of losing your belly fat. Understanding how your body works is the best weapon in losing weight. Calories Nutrition Facts #1. To make perfectly clear what a calorie is…here is the definition- “ a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise t...

Ab Exercises To Lose Belly Fat and Get You A Six Pack!

Ab Exercises done correctly can erase belly fat and give you a six pack. Ok now, calm down! Don’t get to excited…I’m not talking about ice cold Coors Light! I’m talking about your Ab muscles! These Abs workouts can tone and flatten your stomach, and give your body a wonderful figure. I may sound redundant, but I feel I must say this again. You can not flatten only your stomach and lose only your belly fat. Along with ab exercises, you must get yourself into a cardio workout routine and start eating healthy before you will lose your belly fat! And I already write an amazing article you should read it Cardio Exercises Creates Magical Results Ok, now with that said….lets talk about some really good Abs workouts! To avoid getting bored….Its ok to do different stomach exercises every time you workout. I suggest you start with 1 exercise 3 days a week. Then as you get stronger, you can ad more Ab exercises. The Crunch  (this is the classic Ab exercise) 1. Lie on your back...