Belly Fat Burning Exercises: Best and Easy way

A woman struggling to lose belly fat
When we ask ourselves what is the best exercises or what exactly we need to lose belly fat, we find out that its really not that easy for burning our belly fat, we need a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of exercises, but wait a minute I will only start with the hard way first but there is an easy way, witch means we don't need exercises, time we just need a good diet plan, you can jump to it, but I also recommend you to read the entire post, because of the useful information you'll find here like getting a flat stomach, also will make you understand the situation you have and how to get red of it. just don't forget to comment, subscribe, share I am here for you.

The hard but natural way

You need motivation to start then don't miss this one: How to Get and Stay Motivated to Lose Weight Awesome Idea

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

No one likes to be overweight, with excess fat on their body. While carrying extra weight at some places on your body can be pretty effectively hidden, belly fat is pretty hard to hide. Unfortunately, this is the very place that many people gain their weight.

Belly Fat is Unhealthy

Not only is belly fat unsightly, but it has also been proven that it can be very unhealthy. People who carry lots of excess weight around their middle, often referred to as an “apple shaped” body, are more at risk for certain medical conditions, including high blood pressure and heart disease.

Whether you have just a little more fat around your middle than you want, or have a lot of extra belly fat, it is important to work to reduce it.

The following abdominal exercises, when combined with healthy eating, can help you trim down around your middle.

Abdominal Exercises Can Help Reduce Belly Fat

This set of exercises is basic, and almost anyone can do them. If you are really out of shape, or haven’t exercised in a long time, it is best to start slowly and work your way up.
Read also: Ab Exercises To Lose Belly Fat and Get You A Six Pack!

By performing these exercises three times a week as part of your overall workout routine, you should begin to see results in your abdominal muscles after a few weeks. You should also see less belly fat, which means you are on the path to a healthier you.

If you have any questions or concerns about your ability to perform these exercises, consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise routine.

Abdominal Exercises

Exercise 1: Lie flat on your back on the floor, placing your arms at your sides. Lift your legs to about a 45-degree angle. Now move your legs in a pedaling motion as if you are riding a bicycle. Continue this motion for 15 to 30 seconds. Lower your legs and rest. This is considered one set. Repeat for three sets.

This exercise targets your lower abdominal muscles. With repetition you will strengthen those muscles, as well as burn belly fat. As you get stronger, you can extend the length of time that you bicycle in each set, or increase the number of sets that you perform.

Exercise 2: Lie flat on your back on the floor, placing your arms at your sides with your hands resting on the floor. Raise your legs into the air with your feet pointing towards the ceiling. Your legs should be perpendicular, or at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Keep your legs at this angle and lift your hips enough to slightly raise your buttocks off the ground.

Hold this position for up to 10 seconds and then lower your hips and buttocks. Repeat the lift 15 times to form one set. Repeat for three to five sets. You will feel this in your abdominal muscles, which have to engage to lift your hips.

This exercise targets your side abdominal muscles. It is hard at first, so you may need to start with fewer repetitions or fewer sets until you build strength. As you get stronger, you can increase the length of time that you hold your hips in the air, working your abdominal muscles harder to help burn belly fat.

Exercise 3: Lie flat on your back on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Slowly raise both legs to about a 45-degree angle. Holding your legs in the air, slowly raise your upper body towards your legs. Do not use your hands to pull your body up.

Hold your position for 3 to 5 seconds and then return your upper body to the floor. Keeping your legs in the air, repeat raising your upper body towards your legs 15 times. This forms one set. Lower your legs and rest. Repeat for three to five sets.

This exercise targets your upper abdominal muscles. You will feel your abs engaging as you raise your body towards your legs if you are doing this exercise correctly.

Exercise 4: Lie flat on your back on the floor, with your legs on a chair or bench that allows your thighs to be perpendicular to the floor. You could also do this exercise near a wall, where you place your feet on the wall with your knees bent to get your thighs at the correct angle.

Place your hands behind your head. Slowly raise your head toward your thighs while contracting your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for several seconds, remembering to breathe normally. Lower your head. Repeat 15 times to form one set. Complete three sets.

This exercise targets your side, middle and lower abdominal muscles. You have to engage your abdominals in order to raise your head and hold it to your thighs. As you strengthen your abdominals through repetition of this exercise you will also be burning belly fat.

Exercise 5: Lie on your right side on the floor. Use your right hand to support your head and rest your left hand at your waist or on the floor in front of you. Lift your left leg to about a 45-degree angle and hold it there for three to five seconds. Lower your leg, and then repeat the lift and hold 15 times.

Turn onto your left side and do the same exercise with your right leg. Lift and hold the right leg 15 times. You have completed one set when each leg has been lifted 15 times. Complete three sets of this exercise.

It is important to move slowly as you lift and lower your leg. Make sure you are controlling the movement, and that your abdominal muscles are engaged. You are working your side abdominal muscles with this exercise.

This series of exercises allows you to engage and work the various abdominal muscles, from top to bottom and side to side. In order to get the most out of these exercises, it is important to remember the following:
  • Move slowly and in a controlled manner when doing these exercises.
  • Breathe normally throughout. Do not hold your breath as you are moving.
  • Engage your abdominals to assist in the movements, making them work.

Doing this series of exercises on a regular basis, in conjunction with a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet, is one effective way to reduce your belly fat. You might surprise yourself with the results you can achieve with persistence.

Lose Belly Fat Secrets Revealed

Belly Fat; if you have it you know it and if you don’t have it you know that you don’t want to get it.

But, what you might not know about belly fat is that what you see isn’t necessarily what you’ve got. That might sound confusing, but the reality of the situation is not only very clear, but also could be very dangerous.

Belly Fat Can Be Risky

While people joke about their beer gut or pot belly, this excess fat around your middle can be serious business. Much of the fat that develops around the waistline is known as intra-abdominal fat or visceral fat, and it can be dangerous to your health.

This visceral fat accumulates deep inside you, around your internal organs. It can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and other health issues.

Doctors consider excess belly fat a form of obesity, and have given it a specific name. Known as abdominal obesity, it is defined as the accumulation of enough abdominal fat to lead to an increase in waist size.

Reduce Your Risks

So you see, it is no laughing matter. For this reason, it is important that you work to lose any excess belly fat you may have put on through the years. Try some of these tips to reduce belly fat and improve your overall health and fitness.

Change Your Eating Habits

One approach that can help is to eat smaller meals more frequently. Some suggest that eating five or six small meals can be more effective than the traditional three meals a day. The key to this is that the meals need to be smaller than what you have been eating.

By spacing your meals throughout the day, you can avoid becoming hungry at those times when you are most prone to snack on unhealthy foods.

It takes energy to digest your food, so when you eat more meals you burn more energy, which means more calories. This can also keep your metabolism running at a higher and more even level.

It is also important that you eat a healthy and balanced diet. Foods like lean meats, eggs and fish are healthy proteins that can fuel your body to burn calories, and thus belly fat.

Add in some fruits, vegetables and whole grains for complex carbohydrates, as well as some healthy fats like those found in nuts, fresh fish and olive oil. Be sure to include some dairy products and you will have a balanced and healthy diet.

By feeding your body healthy foods on a regular basis throughout the day, you are positioning yourself to lose not only weight, but some of that belly fat. You will be living a healthier lifestyle, while reducing the health risks associated with belly fat.

Beverages Are Important Too

Just as what you eat makes a difference in the weight and health of your body, so does what you drink. Water is essential for your body to function at its best. It is also an important ingredient when trying to lose belly fat.

Water keeps your body hydrated, from the internal organs to your muscles to your skin. It is important to consume some water every day, and some extra when you are exercising as you lose hydration through sweat.

As for other beverages, try to avoid those that are purely empty calories. They might be refreshing, but in the end the high sugar content can be detrimental to your efforts to lose belly fat.

Exercise is Essential

Yes, getting some exercise at least several days a week is recommended for good health.

Yes, getting exercise several days a week can help you lose weight, and thus lose some of that excess belly fat.

No, there is no single exercise that you can do to specifically target and lose belly fat. But, it is not bad news. There are several exercises you can do to help with losing your belly fat.

It is best to do a combination of exercise types, for your overall health as well as for your efforts to lose belly fat. This means you should get a mix of cardio workouts combined with some weights and strength work.

Many health professionals suggest that brisk walking is not only one of the easiest, but also one of the best forms of cardio exercise. The beauty of walking is that it requires no membership fees, no club to drive to, and no special equipment other than a good pair of walking shoes.

It is generally suggested that you get a cardio workout at least three to five days a week for a minimum of thirty minutes. Combine this with your strength and weight training, along with some abdominal strengthening exercises, and you will be on the road to losing that belly fat faster than you would believe.

Combine it All to Lose Belly Fat

Some people would have you believe that you can lose your belly fat by doing endless repetitions of crunches or some other abdominal exercise. Do not be fooled by this.

According to Dr. Michael Jensen, MD, of the Mayo Clinic, “There is no magic bullet, diet plan, specific food, or type of exercise that specifically targets belly fat. But the good news is belly fat is the first kind of fat you tend to lose when you lose weight.”

So, eat a healthy diet to lose weight. With that naturally comes a loss in belly fat. Add some exercise to strengthen and tone your body. In the end you will feel better, you will look better, and you will be healthier. And undoubted

How to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach

Getting your stomach from fat to flat can seem overwhelming when you are first starting out. But, do not let that deter you from moving towards your goal. Persistence can pay big dividends.
The Health Implications
Your goal may be to lose your belly fat so you look better.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but do not forget that it is also better for your health. Anytime you can get to a healthier weight it is good for you.

Being overweight has long term health implications. In particular, excess belly fat can be a risk factor for a number of medical complications, including heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

The good news is that losing weight is a great first step to losing your belly fat.

Medical professionals say that belly fat is the first type of fat that you will lose, and that you will most likely lose proportionately more weight from your abdominal region than from other parts of your body.

How Do You Know if Your Belly is Too Big?

For many years the medical profession considered body mass index (BMI) as the key measure of whether a person was healthy or heavy for their size. In recent years a simpler statistic has become the measure of health, weight, and hidden fat. That measure is simply the circumference of your waist.

To measure your middle and determine how much belly you need to lose, start with a soft tape measure. Wrap it around your naked waist at what is considered your natural waistline, which is slightly above your hip bone. Do not hold your breath or try to suck your belly in as you measure.

If your waistline measures more than 35 inches if you are a woman, or 40 inches for a man it is time to start your diet. Anything above these measurements means that you have too much belly fat and need to take action to reduce your risk of health issues.

How Do You Reduce Your Waistline?

The best way to reduce your belly fat is to lose weight. As mentioned previously, doctors have determined that belly fat is the first type of fat that is lost through dieting. Therefore, the best way to reduce your belly fat is to reduce your weight.

While there are all kinds of crazy diets that people try, the best option is to start eating a balanced and healthy diet.

This, combined with regular exercise, is the healthiest and most reliable method for long term weight loss. And, isn’t that what you really want?

A healthy diet consists of protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, good fats in moderation, dairy products, and plenty of water.

Eating a healthy mixture of the right foods will go a long way in helping you lose weight and being able to maintain the loss.

A diet where you eat only one food or only food from one food group might allow you to lose some weight. You might even lose it quickly, but experience shows that this type of weight loss is generally only temporary.

When dealing with belly fat and the inherent health risks that come with that fat, it is really important to take your diet seriously. If you are unsure how to proceed, see your doctor for assistance.

Tips to Avoid Diet Failure

There is no doubt that dieting is hard. Just ask anyone who has failed at it! But, when your health is at risk you will be motivated to stick with it. Eating a balanced mix of healthy foods should make it easier to maintain your will power.

When tempted, avoid things like processed foods that contain lots of sugar or carbohydrates. It should go without saying that you need to avoid “junk food”. Most foods that fall into this category are just empty calories.

Eating late at night or right before bed can derail your diet as well. Some doctors and nutritionists recommend that you not eat anything after 8:00PM.

It might seem harmless, but alcohol can damage your diet in more than one way. First, it is high in calories. Second, they are empty calories of no nutritional value. Third, when you drink you are more likely to make other poor food choices.

The Importance of Exercise with Diet

Some people think that the only way to lose weight is through a diet. Others think the only way to lose weight is through exercise. In most cases it takes both.

The fundamental truth is that to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume.

This means you need to exercise adequately to burn enough calories to offset what you are eating, and that is just to stay even. To lose weight you need to exercise a bit more or eat a bit less.

Regular daily exercise is a great boost to any diet. But more than this, it is very important to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle into old age. It doesn’t really matter what type of exercise you do as long as you get your body moving.

Once you have lost some of your belly fat, it will become important to do some exercises to firm up your stomach area. There are plenty of exercises designed specifically to work your abdominal muscles.

When you get to the point of being ready for crunches, leg lifts, planks and other abdominal strengtheners, you will know that you are on the path to a flat belly instead of your old belly fat.

Best and useful videos to help you with exercises

This is the best videos from health magazine with the best exercises to lose belly fat.
5 Ab Exercises That Blast Belly Fat

5 Exercises for Tighter, Leaner Thighs

The easy way

Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise:

The other way to lose belly fat without exercises is to follow a good diet plan, and here is the best 6 ways that will help you
  1. Eat Carbohydrates
  2. Eat 3 Servings of Dairy Foods
  3. Sleep Well
  4. Have Wine with Dinner
  5. Drink Plenty of Water
  6. Cut out the Sugar
Read this post: 4 Actions At Bedtime To Lose Belly Fat Easily

An Easy Way to Toned Abs with the Slendertone Abdominal System

I already write a lot of information about it here: What is the Slendertone System? Does it Work?
For the woman who “has it all”, that might mean a job, a husband, a family, a home, and whatever else she might include in “having it all”.
However, something could be missing from this life.  What might be left out is time to exercise frequently enough to maintain the toned abs that seemed to come more easily when she was younger.
It seems that to maintain firm abdominal muscles that are toned to perfection you need to do endless repetitions of crunches, some side bends, and other abdominal exercises multiple times a week.  This just might not be realistic in the busy life of today’s woman.
A New Approach
Now there is a way to achieve the abs of every woman’s dreams, and it doesn’t take trips to the gym or more crunches.  The Slendertone Abdominal System seems to have been designed for the busiest of busy women.
This product, in the form of a discreet belt that can be worn under clothing, works through the technology of EMS – Electrical Muscle Stimulation.
By contracting, and then releasing the abdominal muscles, the Slendertone System is giving you a workout without you having to work.  What could be easier?
The Ease of the Slendertone System
What makes getting and keeping toned abs so hard is that it is time consuming to follow an exercise routine that focuses on the abs, and still find time for a cardio workout and maybe some strength training.
The beauty of the Slendertone System is that no special time needs to be carved out of the busy woman’s schedule.  The belt can be worn while doing almost anything else.
So, while getting that cardio workout your abs could be getting a similar workout thanks to the Slendertone System.  Or, while taking the kids to school, or commuting to work, or even while in the office you can wear the Slendertone System and get an abdominal workout.
Because the system belt is so discreet that you can wear it under your clothing, no one needs to know your secret.  Be prepared, though, for questions about how you stay so fit after you have used the Slendertone System for several weeks, because it will start to show. 
If used as recommended, the makers of Slendertone say you will see results in as little as four weeks if you use the Abdominal System five times a week.
Slendertone Abdominal System – Proven to Work
You can feel confident in the Slendertone System.  It has been clinically tested and shown to achieve firmer, more toned abdominals in a matter of weeks. 
The system has varying levels of intensity to allow you to start at a low level and work your way up as you strengthen your core, just as you would with any exercise in the gym.
It is highly portable, so you can take it with you anywhere, making it usable in your active and busy life.
Think of the Slendertone Abdominal System as your own personal health indulgence that can be your secret to success.
Also read: 12 Best Fat Burning Foods To Help You Lose Weight
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